January 2023: Slip, Trip, and Fall Hazard Recognition

February 2023: Active Shooter Training

March 2023: Fire Prevention and Fire Extinguisher Training, Emergency Action Plans (EAP)

April 2023: Attended Donation Center Lanes, Use of Handling Aids, Daisy Chains, Tornado Drills, Getting Ahead of Fall Hazards

May 2023: PPE, Power Outage Drills, 101 Days of Summer Safety, Pest Identification

June 2023: Ergonomics, Back Safety, Stretching, Fire Drills

July 2023: Top OSHA ViolationsLadder Safety, Reasonable Suspicion, Trailer Safety, Bomb Threat Drills

August 2023: Active Shooter Training

September 2023: General Housekeeping, GHS (SDS)/OSHA, Fire Drills

October 2023: Hazard Communication (Hazardous Material Handling and Disposal, Battery Hazards, Blood Borne Pathogens), Mice and other Health Hazards, Bed Bugs,

First Aid Kits, First Aid, CPR Training

November 2023: Slip, trip, and fall hazard recognition, Electrical Safety, Workplace Violence

December 2023: Winter Safety, Aisles and Egress Routes, Fire Drills