Course Outlines

5 Languages of Appreciation – An exploration of how we naturally show and seek appreciation through the languages of gifts, words, acts of service, appropriate touch, and time. 

ADA/FMLA Basics - Learn about the basics when it comes to ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) and FMLA (Family Medical Leave Act). 

Anti-SH – Anti Sexual Harassment Training – A reminder of definitions on sexual harassment and hostile work environments. Information on reporting and encouragement to do so. [Required every other year]

BizLibrary – An online learning resource with options for self-selected and/or manager-assigned curriculum. [E-Learning]

Change Management – How do we embrace change and continue to excel?

Continous Improvement - This interactive two-day workshop will give an introduction into Lean Essentials. We will explore tools and techniques designed to support an organizational culture that knows and values what its customers (internal and external) want and encourages continual employee innovation and collaboration to achieve it – safer, smarter, easier, faster, better. Target Audience: All employees and all levels

Culture of Goodwill – Explore the Goodwill culture we’re striving to build, missteps and mistakes that should be avoided, and how to rebuild trust and make amends when mistakes are made.

De-Escalation Workshop – The factors and signs of stress escalation, how to manage our own anxiety, and defusing situations by using a de-escalation process. 

Diversity Training – An interactive training highlighting the advantages of a diverse workplace and how we can respect each other’s differences. [Required every other year]

Integrity (Ethics) – Guidance around Goodwill’s ethical standards and expectations for accountability, goals, and internal motivation.

Interviewing (Hiring Managers) – An interactive workshop in great interviewing skills lining out the expectations in interviewing with Goodwill processes.

MDP (Manager Development Program) – A small group study exploring, Leadership, Communication and Decision Qualities with emphasis on practical application. [Small Group / Independent Study]

NEO – New Employee Orientation – A tour through Goodwill’s history, safety guidelines, Human Resources policies and procedures, programs, and departments.           [E-Learning Available]

Performance-Driven Conversations – A discussion around having those tough but necessary conversations that create an open dialogue and drive successful performance practices. 

PTBT – Peer Today, Boss Tomorrow – A introductory training for new managers on soft skills needed for transition into management with an emphasis on personal and professional boundaries. 

Supervisor Essential Series – A course that covers Regulations on safety and discipline, Performance coaching and interviewing tools, and Relationships and communication styles to promote positive outcomes. 

Unconscious Bias in Hiring (Hiring Managers) – Here we identify where our biases can show up and how to set up guardrails to stay on track as we seek to hire talented individuals from all walks of life